Oxford handbook of clinical specialties

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When someone says that he is ‘doing obstetrics’—or whatever, this should not hide the fact that much more is being done besides, not just a little of each of medicine, psychiatry, gynaecology and paediatrics, but also a good deal of work to elicit and act upon the patient’s unspoken hopes and fears. At the operating table he must concentrate minutely on the problem in hand; but later he must operate on other planes too, in social and psychological dimensions so as to understand how the patient came to need to be on the operating table, and how this might have been prevented. All the best specialists practice a holistic art, and our aim is to show how specialism and holism may be successfully interwoven, if not into a fully watertight garment, then at least into one which keeps out much of the criticism rained upon us by the proponents of alternative medicine. 
We hope that by compiling this little volume we may make the arduous task of learning medicine a little less exhausting, so allowing more energy to be spent at the bedside, and on the wards. For a medical student coming fresh to a specialty the great tomes which mark the road to knowledge can numb the mind after a while, and what started out fresh is in danger of becoming exhausted by its own too much. I'm not against big folders Ourselves-We are against reading it too often and too fast. 1 Strong in "care" and begins to weaken to know, this is the danger The situation is reversed. Learning from books is easier than learning from them Although ill, what our patients teach us can be permanently important.
The value of empathy, the use of compassion, and the limits of our humans globalism. In bed we learn how we can actually help people A person who is stunned by the mysterious misfortune of the womb and grave. 
They are not completely ready. If this little book empowers those who begin their quest They will have a major area for learning everything they can do from their patients It served its purpose-and can then be disposed of. Because of the page-a-subject format, the balance of topics in the following pages may at first strike the reader as being odd in places. However, it has been our intention to provide a maximally useful text rather than one which is perfectly balanced in apportioning space according to how common a particular topic is—just as the great Terrestrial Globes made by George Phillips in the 1960s may seem at fi rst to provide an odd balance of place names, with Alice Springs appearing more prominently than Amsterdam. To chart a whole continent, and omit to name a single central location out of respect for ‘balance’ is to miss a good opportunity to be useful. George Phillips did not miss this opportunity, and neither we hope, have we. It is inevitable that some readers will be disappointed that we have left out their favoured subjects (the Phillips’ Globe does not even mention Oxford!). For these readers, let's forget 300 blank pages as an excuse.

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