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Overview of Design and analysis of bridging studies (2013) PDF free download:
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Before we share the free PDF download of Design and analysis of bridging studies (2013) pdf Free download with you, here are a few important details about this book in case you're interested.
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Features of Design and analysis of bridging studies (2013) PDF free download:
In recent years, the variations of pharmaceutical products in efficacy and safety among different geographic regions due to ethic factors have become a matter of great concern for sponsors as well as for regulatory authorities. However, the key issues lie on when and how to address the geographic variations of efficacy and safety for product development. To address this issue, a general framework has been provided by the International Conference Harmonisation (ICH) E5 in a document titled “Ethnic Factors in the Acceptability of Foreign Clinical Data” for evaluation of the impact of ethnic factors on the efficacy, safety, dosage, and dose regimen. The ICH E5 guideline provides regulatory strategies for minimizing duplication of clinical data and requirements for bridging evidence to extrapolate foreign clinical data to a new region. More specifically, the ICH E5 guideline suggests that a bridging study should be conducted in the new region to provide
pharmacodynamic or clinical data on efficacy, safety, dosage, and dose regimen to allow extrapolation of the foreign clinical data to the population of the new region.
However, a bridging study may require significant development resources and also delay availability of the tested medical product to the needing patients in the new region. To accelerate the development process and shorten approval time, the design of multiregional trials incorporates subjects from many countries around the world under the same protocol. After showing the overall efficacy of a drug in all global regions, one can also simultaneously evaluate the possibility of applying the overall trial results to all regions and subsequently support drug registration in each of them. Recently, the trend for clinical development in Asian countries being undertaken simultaneously with clinical trials conducted in Europe and the United States has been rapidly rising.
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