Foundations of Biostatistics (2018)

  In this blog post, You can download Foundations of Biostatistics (2018) pdf Free download for free in PDF format download with one download.

Overview of Foundations of Biostatistics (2018) PDF free download:

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Before we share the free PDF download of Foundations of Biostatistics (2018) pdf Free download with you, here are a few important details about this book in case you're interested.

Features of Foundations of Biostatistics (2018) PDF free download:

The importance of learning biostatistics has been growing very fast due to its increasing usage in addressing challenges in life sciences – in particular biomedical and biological sciences. There are challenges, both old and new, in nature, mostly attributable to interactive developments in the fields of life sciences, statistics, and computer science. The developments in statistics and biostatistics have been complementary to each other, biostatistics being focused to address the challenges in the field of biomedical sciences including its close links with epidemiology, health, biological science, and other life sciences. Despite the focus on biomedical-related problems, the need for addressing important issues of concern in the life science problems has been the source of some major developments in the theory of statistics. The current trend in the development of data science indicates that biostatistics will be in greater demand in the future. 
The compelling motivation behind writing this book stemmed from our long experience of teaching the foundation course on biostatistics in different universities to students having varied background. The students seek a thorough knowledge with adequate background in both theory and applications, employing a more cohesive approach such that all the relevant foundation concepts can be linked as a building block. This book provides a careful presentation of topics in a sequence necessary to make the students and users of the book proficient in foundations of biostatistics. In other words, the understanding of any of the foundation materials is not left to the unfamiliar domain. In biostatistics, all these foundation materials are deeply interconnected and even a single source of unfamiliarity may cause difficulty in understanding and applying the techniques properly. In this textbook, immense emphasis is given on coverage of relevant topics with adequate details, to facilitate easy understanding of these topics by the students and users. We have used mostly elementary mathematics with minor exceptions in a few sections in order to provide a more comprehensive view of the foundations of biostatistics that are expected from a biostatistician in real-life situations.

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